G-Center Locator

G-Center Locator


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MDDA - Masters Diploma in Digital Animation, MDMA - Masters Diploma in Multimedia & Animation, MADFM - Master in Animation and Digital Film Making, and MWMA - Master in Web technology & Multimedia Authoring.

  • Eyeon Fusion
  • Apple Shake
  • Pixologic Z - Brush
  • Soft Image XSI
  • Cinema 4D
  • 3ds Max
  • Adobe Director
  • Adobe Flash
  • Corel Draw
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Advanced V-RAY (For 3Ds MAX)
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Maya
  • FCS (Final Cut Studio)
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • MDMA - Masters Diploma in Multimedia & Animation
  • MDDA - Masters Diploma in Digital Animation
  • MWMA - Master in Web Technology & Multimedia Authoring
  • MADFM - Master in Animation Digital Film Making
  • MPPV - Master In Post Production and VFX
  • MNMW - Master in New Media & Web Technology
  • DTP - Desktop Publishing Expert
  • DMA - Diploma in Multimedia & Animation
  • Diploma in Audio Video Editing & Post Production
  • DA - Diploma in Animation
  • DDI - Diploma in Digital Imaging
  • D2A - Diploma in 2D Animation
  • D3A - Diploma in 3D Animation
  • DWA - Diploma in Web Designing and Animation
  • DDMAM - Diploma In Digital Media Advertising and Marketing
  • DVE - Diploma In Video Editing
  • AVE - Architectural Visualization Expert
  • 2D Animation PRO
  • 3D Animation PRO
  • G-Professional Animator
  • Graphic and Web Expert (GWE)

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